A Missing Link for Weight Loss and Good Health

The link between high glucose blood sugar levels and Type ll diabetes is widely recognized. The link between Type ll diabetes and obesity is, too. Unfortunately, insulin, the hormone that transports glucose blood sugar through the body, is neglected until it is needed as a treatment for Type ll Diabetes. By only measuring blood sugar, we miss the window of opportunity for avoiding diabetes and a lifetime of medications.

Years before one is diagnosed with diabetes, insulin levels rise to handle gradually increasing blood sugar. At this point, blood glucose levels may be considered normal but that does not mean they are optimal or truly healthy. This rise usually reflected in an increase in body fat as well.

I see many patients who tell me their blood sugar tests are fine, but I can tell by looking at them their insulin levels are probably high. If they received an insulin test, the elevated insulin would show a problem that could be solved long before the development of diabetes.

Why isn’t insulin tested instead of blood sugar? By the time diabetes is diagnosed, the disease shows up as excess blood sugar and low insulin. So the focus has been on the excess sugar.

In addition, a glucose blood sugar test is simple and inexpensive, whereas testing insulin levels requires a more complicated and expensive lab test.

If you are concerned that you may be moving towards ‘pre-diabetes’, you can request an insulin level test from your doctor. Online testing firms also provide the tests. Should you find your fasting insulin levels are above 6 uU/mL, it’s time to take action.

I use hands-on assessments at my office to determine unhealthy insulin levels and metabolic health. These also help assess progress made through my healthy eating and lifestyle programs. A lab test is not a requirement for avoiding diabetes and obesity. However, a lab test can help you better understand your health and motivate you to make the necessary changes for good health throughout life!

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