Probiotics and immune health-

some things you may not know!

With it’s typical brilliance, Chinese medicine understood the connection between immune health and the digestive tract centuries ago.

Now modern science confirms that from a Western perspective.

Today we know that approximately 70% of our immunity is in our gut. Billions of microscopic organisms, generally known as probiotics, live in the gut. They provide immune support as well as improve digestion.

Other amazing health benefits of probiotics

As reported in the June 8, 2012 issue of Science magazine:
  • Probiotics can reverse the negative changes that occur due to high fat diets such as: inflammation, build-up of bad bacteria and increased toxins released into the blood stream. That’s quite a job for creatures invisible to the naked eye!
  • Other studies suggest that probiotics can lower the risk of colon cancer.
  • Probiotics protect against infections from dangerous organisms such as candida, staphylococcus, E.coli and salmonella among others.
  • Probiotics help the intestinal tract functioning properly, preventing constipation and diarrhea.
  • By maintaining the integrity of the colon wall, probiotics keep toxins out of the blood stream.

PROBIOTIC TYPES                                                                                                                                   

Man’s Best Friend

We all know that dogs are not just one type of animal. Dogs come in many different breeds with unique qualities and purposes.

There are lap dogs, like the pekinese, protective breeds like the German Shepherd and sled dogs, capable of living in the arctic snow.

Probiotics have many “breeds” too, called strains. Just as with our canine companions, each one has different qualities and purposes.

Most of us have heard of acidophilus. But did you know there are many types of acidophilus? 

  • The type Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM was developed at North Carolina State University. It is probably the most tested and proven probiotic today.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM has been shown to be as effective as morphine in easing the pain of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Just any acidophilus won’t do that for you!
  • Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 works quickly in acute situations, such as during travel.
  • However, Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-07 best supports those with auto-immune or inflammatory diseases.
  • Probiotics help the developing immune system of children, too. (MORE details in a future post.)


It’s great to eat foods which contain probiotics- I believe it improves the quality of the food and getting in a few more friendly microbes is a good thing!

But- for many reasons, food sources such as yogurt are not the ideal way to get probiotics.

  1. You cannot choose the probiotic type that is best for you.
  2. It is impossible to know at what stage in their growth the probiotics were harvested. Just like an apples in an orchard, they have optimal times for harvest for peak potency.
  3. As living organisms, probiotics need proper food and temperature to maintain their potency- which is available in your digestive tract. How long is the period between the time they were harvested and then purchased by you? How long have they been growing in a less than ideal environment?
  4. Probiotics in supplement form are in a dormant state- waiting to ‘wake up’ in your digestive track. Probiotics found in yogurt are active, so they continue to die off at a constant rate before you eat them.
  5. Probiotics do not grow well on pasteurized milk such as found in yogurt. They are not at their peak!


Look for these standards when selecting a probiotic:

  • Guaranteed viability and potency for strong, healthy microorganisms  
  • Identified strains to meet your specific needs
  • A guaranteed minimum of 15 billion organisms per dose 
  • Refrigerated shipping and storage

As always, I welcome your questions and comments!

Wishing you peace and good health!




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